Feeling Stuck? Not Sure What to Do Next? 
You, Me, and A 1-on-1
Real Estate 🏘 Strategy Session
FREE 1-on-1
Private Consultations To
Help You;  
✅  Solve Problems
✅  Gain Clarity
✅  Establish an Action Plan
✅  Build Maps to BIG Results 
✅  Move Forward With Velocity 
This FREE consultation is truly a one-of-a-kind opportunity, spaces are very limited.

To get started enter your email below...
This FREE consultation is truly a one-of-a-kind opportunity, spaces are very limited.  To get started enter your name and email below...
There are two primary ways to create a new breakthrough in your life.

Think back to the biggest experiences in your life, the moments that changed everything.

Meeting your soul mate, starting a family, taking the big leap into the world of Real Estate Entrepreneurship, or finding that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I can think of a few breakthrough moments in my life.

The first date with my future wife. I forgot my wallet at home, she treated me to dinner and a movie (with a large bucket of buttered popcorn).. and she still married me.

Watching late night infomercials while attending university and discovering, the giant man with large white teeth, Tony Robbins.

Endless listening to those cassette tapes set me on a relentless pursuit and lifetime practice of success, professional and personal development.

Having a short conversation with a good friend of mine, introducing me to, Robert Kiyosaki's 'Rich Dad' books. These treasure troves of inspiration changed my mindset and set me on the path of Real Estate investing and building businesses.

From this one conversation with a good friend... everything changed.

Meeting amazing mentors like Ron LeGrand, Dan Kennedy, Les Hewitt and Don R. Campbell early in my Real Estate investing career, helped me overcome my fears and limiting beliefs.

After hearing Dan Kennedy present live, I discovered the proven formula and trainable skillset of copywriting.

Couple this skill with a passion for direct-response marketing would provide the tools, and skillset, to sell millions of dollars of information-based products, 'how to' books, online and offline training programs and live events.

From the creation of this information, the how-to programs and live events have helped inspire tens of thousands of people over the past 15 years.

The relentless journey to master the 'art & science' of public speaking.

Tackling this mountain head-on, was a monumental accomplishment for a shy introvert coming from a small Prairie town.

Becoming a master craftsman in this one skillset alone has changed the trajectory of my life.

So what do all of those breakthrough moments have in common?

What allowed them to happen?

And how can you create more of them?

Well if you think about it, there are only two things in this world that can instantly change your life, and help you acquire what you’re seeking…

The first is meeting new people and having an inspiring conversation sharing ideas and experiences with these new people.

The second is acquiring a new skill.

That’s it.

Everything you’ve ever experienced in your life has come as a result of one of those two things.

Which means that if you’re stuck and in search of answers, If you aren’t where you want to be in life, your Real Estate investing business, your money, or even your relationships.

Then the path to changing that is clear… Your solution will be found by meeting someone new, having an inspiring conversation, or acquiring new information from a book, online training course, video, etc…

I want to help you

If you need help, want to get started, feeling stuck, or need some advice, I'm happy to help.

You see, I have been blessed, and grateful for all the people and the mentors who have come into my life.

I have committed to becoming a master craftsman for more than 15+ years, and I would like to help and share what I have learned with you.

I'm offering you a 30-45 minute FREE consulting session. There is no charge, no catch, and no obligation. Yes, you have read this correct. It’s free. As in, it costs $0. (No fluff. No nonsense. Just knowhow.)

For the past almost 15 years I have been traveling the country sharing my experiences and lessons learned.

Ultimately, that’s what this free consultation is all about…

It is an unprecedented opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with someone who has 'been-there-done-that-and-has-the-battle-scars-to-prove-it'.

Ultimately, you’re just one conversation away from…

An inspiring new direction, a kick in the backside, a clear and proven roadmap, or even a quick reset.

This free consultation is truly a one-of-a-kind opportunity, consultation spaces are limited, and it would be a HUGE mistake to let it pass you by.

If you're stuck and looking for answers that can change TODAY...
 Here's What Other People Are Saying:
"Corinne, I’m sharing this with you because I think it’s important for you to know the tremendous impact Russell continues to have on people. He is willing to be vulnerable and his heart is wide open to give and receive everything that life has to offer."

~ Rich Danby
"I am especially grateful for your big heart and your love of people and strong desire to share what you know. You have a certain way of being which is just honest and that’s wonderful to see and
get to be a part of. Keep doing what you do because it makes a big difference to a lot of people. It sure did to me." 

~ Tucker Finn 
"Russell Westcott sets the standard of excellence in Real Estate investing education. He helped me take the rocket science of real estate investing and turn it into rocket fuel. Russell is very knowledgeable in real estate investments and provided me with lots of ideas and inspired me to not lose vision of my goals."

~Nischal Ram
"I want to thank Russell for his confidence. 

He has taken me from knowing nothing about what a joint venture is to be able to get my first joint venture deal. 

It was his knowledge and expertise, which helped me get over the fear of approaching people and asking for money. 

Thank you so much, Russell, and I hope you can continue teaching and inspiring me with your wisdom and your knowledge."

~Thembi Bheka
"Russell, Your contributions have been invaluable to me in my life. Thank you for all you have given and shared!"

~ Mark Rivers
"You have integrity and honesty to be open about what you are going through. Not many people are able to be that way. You are made of the great stuff." 

~ Michelle Wendling 
"I deeply appreciate your teaching, advice and time. You have made a difference in my life."

~Scott Street
What You Can Expect: 
  • A 30-45 minute conversation focused solely on you and your specific requirements.  
  • Identify your current goals and aspirations. The better you prepare, the more we can accomplish. 
  • An assessment of your greatest challenge you face from moving forward.
  • Identifying the gaps in your current plan
  • Recommendations and a simple, actionable road map.
  • And much more...
Here's  Your Next Steps: 
  • Fill-in the form, with your best email, on this webpage
  • Complete a simple questionnaire
  • After receipt of the questionnaire, you will receive an invitation to schedule a time to talk on the phone, Skype or Zoom.
  • We have an inspiring conversation 100% focused on you, your goals and your plans.
  • Simple? Get started today!
Book Your FREE  Consultation Today!
Private One-on-One
Personal Consultations
Copyright 2024 - Russell Westcott Consulting Inc.